Express Tour by Vespa
Veja a cidade de uma forma absolutamente original e...
Casa da música
Imaginada para assinalar o ano festivo de 2001, em...
Torre dos clérigos
Considerado por muitos o ex libris da cidade...
Arco ou Porta de Sant'Ana
O Arco de Sant'Ana das Aldas era uma das quatro...
Hotel da Música-Porto
Express Tour by Vespa
Casa da música
Torre dos clérigos
Arco ou Porta de Sant'Ana
Hotel da Música-Porto
Arch or Door of Sant'Ana
The Arch of Sant'Ana was one of the four gates of the old city of Porto, one that was focused on access to the waterfront and commercial city. Arch simple architecture, was narrow, tortuous and somewhat high. However its character and its special feature, contributed mightily to give the street a gracious tone, picturesque and unique. The Arch began to be demolished in 1821, and as a souvenir to the Saint, who gave it her name, was no more than a small image, tucked in a tiny shrine glazed wood, which still can be seen today, hung or nailed to the wall, along the stone stairs to the Rua de Sant'Ana that lead to Rua de Pena Ventosa.